Monday, December 8, 2008

Mission Statement [intro to self]

I'll spare the long winded introduction and keep it terse. I'm not young or old. Life in the mid-twenties forces many realizations of self. Causing one to be more introspective then ever. Analyzing life decisions, social habits, and career paths are just part of the everyday landscape of wandering thoughts. I have come to point in my life where I want to cut out all the slack, stop just entertaining ideas, and finally pursue what I have been talking about for years. I'm currently twenty-eight years old. I have worked many places and gained much experience and skills in different forms of video/film production pre through post production. I've gained all this knowledge and skills, but never really tried to get into the film industry. I'm tired of going from job to job without an overall goal in mind. I'm very competent and convicted to my cause. I want to make it into the camera union and find consistent work. That's all... I don't want to redefine the world of filmmaking. I don't want to challenge the American filmgoing public's opinion of what a good film should consist of. I don't want to be avant-garde or high brow. Let everything come as it happens. I just want in... 

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